Minggu, 30 April 2017

How to make a delicious corn omelette

How to make a delicious corn omelette
Assalamualaikum warahmatulohi wabarakatu , On this occasion I will hand out delicious corn omelette recipes. Omelet corn is a traditional food of the people of Indonesia is usually served with warm rice and other side dishes. Here I will explain about how to make a delicious corn omelette. Recipe how to make delicious corn omelette:
- 1 sweet corn stalk, then comb and mash some parts
- 200 grams of flour
- 5 celery stalks, sliced ​​approximately
- 1 egg
- Cooked water to taste
- Salt to taste
- Oil For Frying.
Finely spiced:
- 2 pieces of garlic
- 2 onions
- Coriander to taste. 

Step by step: 
1. The first step add the spices into the bowl, then mix it with the ingredients that have been provided, except cooking oil. Stir until all ingredients are well mixed. 

2. Heat the cooking oil, then fry the corn dough according to the size you want. Fry until cooked and brownish yellow
3. Then lift and drain

4. And the food is ready to be served with warm rice and tomato sauce.

Quite easy is not how to make a delicious corn omelette. If you feel confused at home wanting to cook what simple food and not much cost, and the ingredients are easy to get, you can make your own corn omelette at home. Hopefully the corn recipe that I give can benefit you all yes, and more actively try to cook other foods. Thanks for reading the blog I've shared. Wasalamualaikum warahmatullohi wabarakatu.